ancient bog oak
I made an exception. Normally I collect my wood myself in the forests or elsewhere in the landscape. Or someone gives me piece of wood or I recycle some old piece of wood I found somewhere. I don't buy it, I don't cut living trees. I wrote about the bog oak I received some time ago. It is local wood found by workers when doing some river regulation. My cousin salvaged some of it, some is still lying outside the workshop there. I already made one tea scoop from it, amazing wood. I wanted to learn more about it so I dig about it on the internet and found interesting page. Two cabinet makers from England are devoted to saving the remaining bog oaks in local fenlands. They are doing this for twenty years, they are doing great job. If you wanna learn more about this head to their webpage: I recommend it. So the point is that they sell small pieces online and I could not resist and bought two stunning pieces of their around 3300 BC dated bog oak. The wo...